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2003-06-09 - 7:57 a.m.

This weekend was great

The weekend was a good one. Actually, I haven�t felt this good in ages even my soul is agreeing that we had a good weekend.

We started it by going to Marv�s birthday do on Friday night. We had a good time, Geeks was very tired though after his crazy week, so we came home around 3 am. :) They played some tunes for us, we all drank a lot (especially marv, he was rather, uh, pissed to the gills actually. Hee hee).and chatted with friends. My ex husband was there so at one point I was hanging out with the Ex Husband (and drinking his scotch), Ex Boyfriend and Current Boyfriend. Sounds a bit bizarre, I know. But I think we have all adjusted to the fact that they remain in my life however peripherally and I remain in theirs. This is not the ideal arrangement, but at least we all get along just fine.

Saturday was my day. We had a leisurely breakfast in the morning and read the newspaper. Then we had great sex and lounged about for a bit more. Then we went rollerblading along the Lachine canal. Oooh, we had fun. It felt really good to be out and blading, and it felt even better to be doing it with my man. Supper was a Pub cheese burger and a pint at the Old Orchard, coffee at StarFucks across the street where we lounged in armchairs next to the gas fireplace and giggled and talked and people watched (especially the babes:) in a very relaxed atmosphere then we walked home for a well deserved shower. We caught a 9:00 movie (we had special coupons that saved us 8 bucks on admission, bonus), the In-Laws. Oh my god it�s funny, We laughed like crazy. It�s a bit silly but great for a laugh. I love Michael Douglas, I think he�s sexy and he�s got a great voice. Mmm. I had a wonderful, warm Saturday that was shared with the man I love. Can�t beat that.

Sunday was a day of total CLEANING. Blah, but we did a fantastic job, got rid of all the lingering storage stuff, empty boxes, and other paraphernalia lying around. We put up pictures around the place and dusted, vacuumed and generally made our home much more presentable. We ordered pizza for supper, as we were both way too tired to cook (and the kitchen was all nice and clean!), had a bubble bath and watched Casablanca. I had forgotten bits of it so it was like seeing it for the first time in some spots. Geez, what a romantic movie. Oh yeah, and we had lunch-time sex on Sunday too.

So, all in all I had a wonderful weekend, thanks to my man. Now it�s Monday morning and we are back in the rat race of his working late again this week and I didn�t read Spain for today and I have a doctor�s appointment today that I almost forgot about. Oh well, back to the grindstone, right? Right.

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