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2003-06-09 - 7:23 p.m.

Doc's appointment and a battery of tests. Sigh.

I saw my Doc today. I told her about the hot flashes, the early periods and the ovary pain that is still going on even though being on the Pill was supposed to take care of all that. She was particularly concerned about the hot flashes and ongoing pain. Now I have to go for some blood tests (hormones, thyroid and a shitload of other things ticked off on the sheet) and I have to schedule an internal ultrasound. The kind where thy put a little (yeah right) camera inside you to see what�s going on and I will be trying prescription number 4 of the Pill. What a fucked up body I have. I try not to get too concerned about all this stuff, but sometimes I feel a sense of panic, that the worst-case scenario will come true and I will lose one of not both of my ovaries due to the continuous cysts I get (heavy scar tissue or the beginnings of abnormal cell growth will certainly do that). They were supposed to stop with the Pill, it works for most women, why not me? Dumbass body.

So, I go to the hospital for the blood work on Wednesday (eek. I despise needles and I guess they�re gonna need a few vials for all the tests), and I�ll make the ultrasound appointment tomorrow and hope they�ll see me within the month. I go back to see Doc at the end of the summer and discuss the results. Here�s hoping for the best, eh?

I think I�ll watch TV and basically goof off for the rest of the evening. I don�t feel like being productive and I already did the groceries and read my textbook for a bit, so I�m off the hook. Hmmm. Supposed to get our mid terms back on Wed. I hope I did well.

My darling is working late again tonight. That�s too bad as he didn�t sleep much last night. Man, if it�s not me suffering from insomnia, then it�s him. What a bloody pair we make, eh?

Nuthin� else new around these parts.

Maybe I'll watch the hockey game tonight. Try something new for a change (it's game 7 of the playoffs, Anaheim vs, New Jersey. We are voting for Anaheim, they're the underdogs. All this info is from Geekslut. I am in no way a hockey fan, ok?)

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Get over myself! - 2005-04-22
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