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2003-06-18 - 1:07 a.m.

So tired today.

I can�t sleep. Damn, it�s almost 1 am and I�m awake. I took a nap this afternoon when I got home from school because I was so exhausted that I felt sick to my stomach. We were up at 6 am to get to the hospital for my blood test, which hurt like hell and I�ll probably get a nasty bruise. I am starting to look like a junkie with each arm having blood tests and bruises, sigh. So, we were out of there by 7:40 just in time for my ultrasound 1 floor up. Well, not only were they horribly behind schedule (at 7:40 am, you gotta wonder how they could be so behind schedule but I digress) so that they called me around 8:15 or so, but the wanted to do an exterior exam as well as an interior which meant I had to power drink a ton of water and wait for the requisite full bladder. So, much later with my full bladder and already tired of waiting and everything, I got examined. They found nothing, zero, nada. My ovaries are clear as a bell. This is good news in the way that there is nothing seriously wrong, but I�m really wondering what the hell is going on with this body of mine. The technician said the intense pain last week was probably a cyst that ruptured, which means there is nothing left of it now. So, that�s that, we got out of there at 9:30 and were already in pretty bad shape.

I really just wanted to go home and sleep at this point as I hadn�t slept well the night before, but I had a class to go to at 12:30 and a therapy appointment at 11. Well, by the time I got done today I was fit to be tied, I just wanted to be home as fast as possible and lie down. So I did.

Pretty much did fuck all tonight, I watched Dead Posts Society, which made me cry and Lilo and Stich, which made me laugh. I munched on rice cakes with peanut butter for supper and had some cranberry juice as my tummy was still not feeling to good. The only productive thing I did tonight was do the dishes, and go to bed at 10:30. Geeks got home at almost midnight from work and woke me up (no complaints here!) and now I�m awake. Crap.

I�m going to go knit until I fall asleep. G�night.

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Extreme worl poverty must end, and we have the power to do it - 2005-07-03
Get over myself! - 2005-04-22
A venting session - 2005-04-21
My little girl... - 2005-04-06

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