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2003-06-16 - 5:18 p.m.

Goin' fer a beer, school and the weekend

Goin� out to get sloshed with Marv tonight! Well, uh, no. Not really sloshed per se, more like going out to have a beer, maybe we�ll get real wild and have 2 . Ok, so I�m excited to go out and do a bit o� sittin� on my butt and chatting with a good friend and having a couple of drinks. Should be fun.

School is going well, my course is really quite easy. I mean, there was a shit load of reading to do in the beginning, but now it�s really slacked off. AND� I have discovered that most people haven�t even read the chapters pertaining to the countries we have done (they were pretty big i.e. 60-80 pgs each). I, of course being the nerd that I am, did the readings and now post-midterm I realize that I didn�t really have to. On the other hand, the people (most of the class it seems) who did not read the book, or buy it and did well on the midterm mostly got Bs and B+s. One girl who sits next to me got an A (just by the skin of her teeth really, an 86) and she didn�t read any of the book. However, I think I am in the top few of the class (along with the other nerds who read the whole book) judging by what people were saying were their marks. I can�t even slack off the reading as of now because I�ve already finished the damned textbook I guess it�ll help me to do really, really well in the course overall, right?

So, all that to say, I feel like it�s been a real slacker of a semester. I mean, it�s over next week (Monday being our last class) and I kinda feel like I should have taken at least 1 more course this semester. But, I didn�t. Oh well.

This weekend was nice, we took Geeks children to see �Finding Nemo� on Saturday afternoon. They seemed to like it, I know we adults sure did. It was pretty funny but not quite �Monsters Inc.� or �Ice Age�. Close, but not quite. Other than that, we didn�t do that much. The girls created stuff all weekend i.e. cards for Father�s Day and a rather large spaceship that is damned cool, but uh, big, and we just sorta hung out together, quite nice really. I accompanied them on the ride to Kingston so I could do some driving (which had a rather horrific start but gradually got better) and so I wouldn�t be moping around the apartment with that void feeling for 6 hours. It�s tough to go from 4 people bustling about doing stuff, the comforting kid noise of playing and laughing, even fighting and then BAM! You�re standing alone in an apartment, completely quiet, no-one around for 6 hours. It�s bloody depressing is what that is.

Oops, gotta go. Supper is nearly ready. Ciao

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